Building a personal brand can be difficult. It's hard to know where to start and how to make yourself stand out. Here’s some tips for making you shine in today's competitive world.

In today's world, creating a personal brand is more important than ever. But let’s get serious, it’s not for everyone! In fact just the term “personal brand” I’ve found either makes people laugh or they simply consider it to sound a just little wanky. I appreciate I’ve got my work cut out for me here, but the fact you’re still reading this suggests that whatever your thoughts - there’s an appreciation that it’s something worth better understanding at the very least. So let’s start here. What even is a “personal brand?” A personal brand is the unique combination of skills, experiences, and values that make you who you are, and those things are what sets YOU apart from others. Here’s why this is important…A strong personal brand can help you to stand out in a crowded job market, generate greater influence, provide personal flexibility, attract opportunities, and build greater trust and credibility with others - It’s all about differentiation.

It’s what ALL brands including those you know and love seek to plant in your mind so that their products and services stand out from the crowd - it’s what sets them apart from the competition. And it’s the reason why you are willing to pay more for something because it’s a “brand".” It’s your “perception” of that brand that influences how you feel about them and whether you’re willing to part with your hard earned cash because of how that brand makes you feel.

Ask yourself - Why are you willing to pay more for a “brand?” Well…One of the most important factors as I just mentioned is the “perceived value” of the brand. When people believe that a brand is of higher quality, more prestigious, or more reliable than other brands, they may be willing to pay more for it.

Try it out for yourself. Pick a few of these what are your instant thoughts? Starbucks, Tesla, Apple, Mcdonald’s, Rolls-Royce, Emirates, Nike, Louis Vuitton…Reflect upon how your thoughts changed based upon your emotional connection to the brand AND how the brand impacts upon your desired social status. It’s fascinating stuff…

So how do you go about creating YOUR personal brand? Here are some key steps to take:

  1. Define your values and purpose: The first step in creating a personal brand is to define your values and purpose. What do you stand for, and what do you want to achieve? Your values and purpose should be authentic and meaningful to you, in turn they should guide your actions and decisions. (Remember however - Think of a time you bought something from a “brand” only to be disappointed that it didn’t live up to the hype! Don’t go creating a persona that others will see right through - It’s not about creating a personal brand of someone you’d LIKE to be, it’s about being true to yourself and expressing who YOU are.

  2. Next, identify your unique strengths and skills: Think about what makes you unique and what you have to offer. What are your strengths and skills, and how can you use them to add value to others? This can involve things like your technical expertise, your creativity, or your ability to connect with others.

  3. Communicate your brand consistently: Once you have defined your values, purpose, and unique strengths, it's important to communicate your brand consistently. This can involve things like your online presence (e.g., LinkedIn, personal website), your communication style, and your appearance. It's also important to be authentic and genuine in your communication, as this can help to build trust and credibility.

  4. Network and build relationships: Building relationships and networking are key to success in any career. To build your personal brand, it's important to make connections with others who share your values and who can help you to achieve your goals. This can involve things like attending industry events, joining professional organizations, and networking online.

  5. Seek opportunities to demonstrate your value: Finally, it's important to seek opportunities to demonstrate your value and to put your personal brand into action. This can involve things like taking on new challenges, volunteering, or seeking out projects that allow you to showcase your skills and expertise.

Now let's consider some key themes to be mindful of when creating a personal brand:

  1. Authenticity: As mentioned, it's important to be authentic and genuine when creating a personal brand. This means being true to your values and purpose, and not trying to be something you're not.

  2. Consistency: Consistency is also key to creating a strong personal brand. This means communicating your brand consistently across all channels and platforms, and behaving in a way that aligns with your values and purpose.

  3. Provide value: To stand out from the crowd, you need to provide value to your audience. Create content that is informative, engaging, and useful, and share your expertise generously.

  4. Adaptability: While consistency is important, it's also important to be adaptable and open to change. This means being open to new ideas and ways of doing things, and being willing to adapt your personal brand as your goals and priorities evolve.

  5. Differentiation: This is challenging I get it. To stand out in today's crowded job market, it's important to differentiate yourself from others. This means identifying what makes you unique and highlighting your unique skills and experiences in your personal brand.

  6. Professionalism: Finally, it's important to maintain a level of professionalism in your personal brand. This means behaving in a professional manner and presenting yourself in a professional way, both online and in person.

    Here are some real-world examples of personal branding in action. I appreciate these are people at the very highest levels of “achievement:” And whatever your personal thoughts are regarding these people at a personal level - They are easy examples to bring this alive…

    1. Oprah Winfrey: Oprah is a prime example of a successful personal brand. She has defined her values (inspiration, empowerment, and compassion) and purpose (to make a positive difference in the world) and has consistently communicated these through her media empire, her television show, and her philanthropic efforts. Oprah's brand is authentic, consistent, and professional, and it has helped her to build a massive following and achieve tremendous success.

    2. Elon Musk: Elon Musk is another example of a successful personal brand. He has defined his purpose (to revolutionize transportation and energy) and has consistently communicated this through his companies (Tesla, SpaceX) and his public appearances. Musk's brand is innovative, forward-thinking, and ambitious, and it has helped him to attract investors and partnerships, and to achieve significant success.

    3. Michelle Obama: Michelle Obama is a third example of a successful personal brand. She has defined her values (education, health, and equality) and purpose (to make a positive difference in the lives of others) and has consistently communicated these through her work as a first lady, an author, and a public speaker. Obama's brand is authentic, compassionate, and professional, and it has helped her to build a strong following and achieve significant impact.

    Overall, creating a personal brand is an important aspect of success in today's world. By defining your values, purpose, and unique strengths, and by communicating your brand consistently and authentically, you can build trust, credibility, and opportunities. By being adaptable and differentiating yourself, and by maintaining a level of professionalism, you can stand out. One additional aspect of personal branding worth highlighting is the importance of personal development. To build a successful personal brand, it's important to continuously improve and develop your skills and expertise. This can involve things like taking on new challenges, seeking out learning opportunities, and getting feedback and guidance from others. By investing in your personal development, you can stay up-to-date and relevant in your field, and you can demonstrate your commitment to growth and continuous improvement.

    Another important aspect of personal branding is the role of branding in the digital age. With the proliferation of social media and online platforms, it's more important than ever to manage your online presence and reputation. This can involve things like creating a professional LinkedIn profile, building a personal website, and being mindful of the content you post online. By managing your online presence effectively, you can build a strong and positive personal brand that will help you to stand out in a crowded job market.

    Finally, it's worth mentioning that building a personal brand is not a one-time effort, but rather it requires ongoing attention and effort. This means you’re going to need to become proactive in building and maintaining your brand, and be open to adapting and evolving your brand as your goals and priorities change. What’s great about the process is that over time you create a body of work to be proud of - The key is to be disciplined, proactive and adaptable, that way you can ensure that your personal brand stays relevant and effective over time. Good luck with it - It’s not easy but it’ll be worth it.


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